Success Stories - Ladies Plastering
A Northwest Plastering Course, Redundancy and a half finished property renovation gave Jan the chance to find out how easy learning to plaster is.
Plastering Course Student Jan tells of how she found herself on the Plastering Course at The DIY School.
Having worked as a business analyst for 4 years, Jan was made redundant form her job in March 2009.
After a short panic Jan assessed her situation. She had two mortgages and two properties to sort out. Jan had always intended to sell one of the properties but had intended the process of property development be longer than her new circumstances would allow.

The largest piece of work needed on the redevelopment was plastering. Jan had always thought she would be able to tackle plastering but wanted to get it perfect in order to realise the full value of the property when it came time to put it on the market. Jan also saw plastering as a potential new form of income.
Plastering Course searches on the internet lead Jan to The DIY School. The testimonials not only gave her confidence that the training was good but the number of women on the plastering courses achieving good results convinced her that The DIY School was the place to make her investment in plastering training.
Jan told us that after initially being apprehensive she really enjoyed herself, had fun and found that she was looking forward to each of the following days.Jan said “ I was treated as an equal throughout the course, the guys treated me as an equal and were always supportive. That was until her plastering was better than theirs at which point they sulked! Boys will be boys!”

A couple of weeks later Jan started on the house. She erected the stairwell scaffolding hired from HSS and did the upper hall ceiling. To help her confirm that she had used two applications of PVA she added yellow food die to one mix and blue to the second. Anywhere that wasn’t green before plastering had only one coat of PVA.

The ceiling went on very well despite looking daunting. The next two days were spent simply admiring her work. Eventually things had to progress and Jan then put her Plastering Course skills to use on the stairwell wall.
On The DIY School Plastering Course we teach students how to divide large walls in to manageable sections that can then be seamlessly feathered together. Jan applied this skill with great success as the pictures show. She is now ready to tackle the lounge and having completed The Advanced Plastering Course also is ready to plaster the kitchen.