Free Kids & Family Courses
Kids' DIY Courses have strengthened family bonds, been fun, instilled useful life skills, and helped make career decisions.

Many people tell us that today's busy lifestyle prevents them spending quality time with their teenage children.
Our kids' courses give you and your teenagers the opportunity to learn new skills, prepare for projects, or simply spend quality time together in a non-competitive environment, with common goals.
Despite recent changes in focus, today's education still focuses on academic subjects and performance, rather than vocational or practical subjects. In some cases this is depriving the more practically-gifted school children from experiencing success or from having hands-on experience with a range of skills that they may wish to consider using in their careers.
Parents tell us that time spent with their children on our Kids' Courses has reignited the ties between them, and given their children focus, a sense of worth, career insight and an understanding of how academic subjects will help them in later practical careers. For example: the need for basic maths and English when estimating costs and materials requirements.
We limit Kids' Course places to 1 in every 4 and a maximum of 2 per course. This enriches the experience for the teenager whilst in no way detracting from the overall course experience and value. They work in a predominantly adult environment, experiencing adult work ethics without the distractions of other teenagers.
In some instances, we will accept a block booking from an Educational Group or Public Sector Body where requested. These will be exclusive; places will not be sold to the general public.
Provided that your teenager is under 16 years of age at the start of the course, we offer 2 people for the price of 1. For teenagers, proof of age needs to be provided and they must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
You will share a bay, tools and materials. We understand that sometimes simply learning, working and sharing time together is the important objective, but with The DIY School you will also take home a new shared skill.